Thursday, July 12, 2007

Van Hickey...and Ralph

My Name Is Earl was so good again tonight, I love Ralph, apparently Giovanna Ribisi is going to be in a movie next year about Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Experient, I can't wait to see it.

I got another letter from the bank yesterday saying they can't close my account until I pay £56.02 so I had to go back today to ask them WHY CANT YOU JUST CLOSE MY ACCOUNT LIKE I ASKED YOU TO DO 4 MONTHS AGO? then I had to wait for ages and after the woman dilly-dallying they decided that they're going to put £56.02 in my account so they can close it. So next week I'm going to go down there and close my other account with them, I'm not putting up with this kind of hoo-harr.

The NHS has also been pissing me off this week (and last) firstly, my Nan was supposed to have a nurse come out to her and that but it wasn't organised or anything, so when she rang her doctor (who didn't even know she had had her operation, despite my Nan telling her receptionist very firmly after she was trying to get her to go down to the surgery) she sorted one out for her, from the doctors in Narborough, not the doctors she belongs to or the doctors in Enderby. And its so hard to see anyone even when they are your doctors, its ridiculous.

Then, she had an appointment at the clinic today in Glenfield, so my mum drove her up there, they got to the clinic told someone that they were there and the nurse told them that the clinic was closed in January, my Mum said "well no it hasn't been since we were here in April. why on Earth did they give us this appointment if they knew itll be closed?" so they had to drive all the way back with my Nan now in agony, its just so pathetic.

Best news of the day: mario kart is going to be released for the wii, with a steering wheel! its amazing! theyre also bringing out a gun thing and like fitness equipment so you can work out with you're wii. Amazing.