Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pretty Vacant

I've been ill for over a week now, so Ive given in and took some pepto-bismol, its so disgusting. It's the price to pay for getting ill though.

I now have a domo kung, he's amazing, he makes me laugh, my Mum says he looks like a fish finger.
Domo Kung

I've been listening to a lot of punk music at the moment, a lot of The Ramones, I've also decided that my favourite Ramone was Joey, then Johnny because he had the same haircut for 40 years. I never like Dee Dee Ramone, I don't know why though, but still fantastic band.

I was given a voucher for £5 off if you spend £10 at WH Smiths, to me £5 is a lot of money. I had to use it by wednesday so after I went bank searching, I went in and looked around. They knew what they were doing when they printed that out, all the books I wanted was either £20 or £7, I ended getting The Redemption Song, I've wanted it for a while, I love Joe Strummer, but it was £20 but o well, I got £5 off, Its really chunky so I think I might keep it and read it when I go to Univeristy, it'll give me something to do. Besides I'm still reading Jeremy Clarkson's and James May's books.

I haven' t decided which bank to go for but the people at HSBC were very nice and they're going to send out a information pack for me, when they get them in, and they told me to come back if I want and they'll go through it with me, nice people.