Thursday, July 05, 2007

"Moustache Too Big For Your Face"

Today was commemoration day at school, I went since I was sent an invitation - meaning I had an award to pick up. We avoided the church service beforehand by hiding in the car and then mingling in with everyone else when they walked back from the church. I then sat in the hall with Sarah M and Jenny Lane, who has torn her ligaments after falling off her horse, and being threatened by the hospital to take her crutches back when she's better.

I got the award for IT and Computing (despite not begin one of the computer geeks) which included £15 book tokens, which is cool, I like books, also if I don't spend them I can put them towards all the books I'm going to have to buy at uni. Also because my award was in memory of a former student who died whilst at university I got an extra award - its a big shield with my name on it, that I guess I'll have to return next year and a little shield to keep. The computing women who gave my award and Mrs McCloughlin whose son it was got a bit emotional.
Sarah M got an award for Further Maths and Sarah A got one for begin nominated to get one several times. Sarah M pointed out that Sarah A's was like the slashie awards in Zoolander.

House and My Name Is Earl was good today, Crabman made me laugh when he was looking into the cats eyes and Earl when he was pissed off for losing to a slutty persian haha.

In other areas one of my brothers fish has died then the other one spent half an hour swimming around the tank to try to find it.

Also sending packages to America is quite reasonable, I went to the post office to send a CD to Alicia £1.20 it cost, I thought that was quite good.