I have been looking forward to this film for a long time, and Johnny didn't disappoint, I thought he was great as John Dillinger. Even though I kept getting confused when the characters called him Johnny.
The film starts with Dillinger in jail, I would have liked to have seen what put him there in the first place..
Im sure Melvin Purvis must have been desperate to catch Dillinger, but I didnt get that from Christian Bale. Neither did I care when Dillingers friends and allies got killed, as they didnt really have a character, they were just there. However Im sure Dillinger would have cared and been friends with the men he trusted enough to have his team, as towards the end of the film he is reluctant to work with people he didnt like. I would have liked to have got a feel of the people in Dillingers life a bit more.
I loved the 30s clothing and sets, I thought that had been done well, it had an authentic look to it.
Anywho, I still loved the movie, and will go see it again and definitely buy the DVD.